a bug in Valve 's Steam marketplace that could have been exploitedVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilityby thieves to steal game license keys and play pirated titles . Researcher Artem Moskowsky told The Register earlier this week that he stumbledVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilityacross the vulnerability – which earned him a $ 20,000 bug bounty for reportingVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilityit – by accident while looking over the Steam partner portal . That 's the site developers use to manage the games they make available for download from Steam . A professional bug-hunter and pentester , Moskowsky said he has been doing security research since he was in school , and for the past several years , he has made a career out of finding and reportingVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilityflaws . In this case , while looking through the Steam developer site , he noticed it was fairly easy to change parameters in an API request , and get activation keys for a selected game in return . Those keys , also known as CD keys , can be used to activate and play games downloaded from Steam . The API is provided so developers and their partners can obtain license keys for their titles to pass onto gamers . `` This bug was discoveredVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilityrandomly during the exploration of the functionality of a web application , '' Moskowsky explainedVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerability. `` It could have been used by any attacker who had access to the portal . '' Essentially , anyone who had an account on the developer portal would be able to access the game activation keys for any other game Steam hosted , and sell or distribute them for pirates to use to play games from Steam . Fetching from the /partnercdkeys/assignkeys/ API with a zero key count returned a huge bunch of activation keys . `` To exploit the vulnerability , it was necessary to make only one request , '' Moskowsky told El Reg . `` I managed to bypass the verification of ownership of the game by changing only one parameter . After that , I could enter any ID into another parameter and get any set of keys . '' How severe was the flaw ? Moskowski says that , in one case , he entered a random string into the request , to pick a title at random , and in return he got 36,000 activation keys for Portal 2 , a game that still retails for $ 9.99 in the Steam store . Fortunately for Valve , Moskowsky opted to privately come forward with the flaw via HackerOne . The programming blunder has since been fixedVulnerability-related.PatchVulnerability. As the HackerOne entry for the vulnerability shows , Moskowsky first submitted the reportVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilityon the flaw in early August . Three days later , Valve handed out the $ 15,000 bounty as well as a $ 5,000 bonus for the find , though Valve only allowed the report to go public on October 31 . The researcher told us this is a pretty good turnaround , and Valve in particular is very good with handling researcher requests and paying out bug bounties . Impressively , this $ 20,000 bounty is n't even the biggest payout Moskowsky has received from the games service . Back in July he was given a cool $ 25,000 for weeding outVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilitya SQL Injection bug in the same developer portal .